Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bridgemapper on facebook!

Bridgemapper is now on facebook!

Go to our fan page, and become a fan to network and discuss Bridgemapper and historic bridges.

Historic Bridge Weekend Dinner Flyers

Flyers for the Friday and Saturday dinners for the upcoming Historic Bridge Weekend are now on the site.

Go to the bottom of the Historic Bridge Weekend page to download or view the flyers, print them, and publicize the event!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ohio and Maryland Added to the Site

Garrett County, Maryland, and Columbiana, Jefferson, and Belmont counties, Ohio have now been added to www.bridgemapper.com. Enjoy!

I also redid the maps so only clickable counties are highlighted in orange.

All of the main counties to be visited during the Historic Bridge Weekend are now uploaded. The itineraries and maps will be available next weekend. However, use www.bridgemapper.com to find additional bridges you are interested in seeing.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Map Improvements, New West Virginia Counties

You'll notice some new updates to the site:

1. Each map now has Previous/Next buttons in the top left of the table of contents. Plus, bridges are now color-coded by bridge type! Thanks to Map Channels for allowing this new content!
- Red - Through Truss
- Fuchsia - Deck Truss
- Purple - Pony Truss
- Yellow - Arch
- Blue - Suspension
- Cyan - Frame
- Green - Beam
- Red with Dot - Other Type or Combination of Types

2. The following new counties in West Virginia have been added:
- Cabell
- Clay
- Doddridge
- Fayette
- Grant
- Greenbrier
- Jefferson
- Kanawha
- Mercer
- Monongalia
- Nicholas
- Ohio
- Pendleton
- Preston
- Putnam
- Tucker
- Wayne