Monday, December 28, 2009

Lake Champlain Bridge Demolished

The 80-year-old Lake Champlain Bridge (also known as the Crown Point Bridge) was demolished today. The bridge connected Crown Point, NY and Chimney Point, VT. According to Wikipedia, the bridge was one of only two bridges crossing Lake Champlain. It was one of the first continuous truss road bridges built in the nation.

The replacement, recommended to be a modified tied arch design, is scheduled to open in summer 2011.

Unfortunately, Bridgemapper was never able to visit this bridge.

See the following links for more information:
- Bridge Location on Google Maps
- Lake Champlain Bridge on Wikipedia
- Lake Champlain Bridge Project on NYSDOT

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Post-Gazette Article Summarizes CMU Students' Hulton Bridge Preservation Idea

This article, in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, summarizes the findings made my junior Civil and Environmental Engineering students at Carnegie Mellon University, on the preservation of the Hulton Bridge. It also shows the obstacles in saving this historic structure.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Carnegie Mellon students Hulton Bridge preservation project topic on Design Training site

Findings on a feasibility study to save the Hulton Bridge, conducted by a group of students from Carnegie Mellon University's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, were summarized in

The students, advised by Todd Wilson, estimate that it would cost $279,000 to preserve the bridge for pedestrian and bicycle use. They found that preservation would cheaper than demolition.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carnegie Mellon students design alternative use for Oakmont bridge

A group of students from Carnegie Mellon University's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department presented last week on the results of their feasibility study to spare the 101-year-old Hulton Bridge from demolition, and convert it to pedestrian use. Bridgemapper's own Todd Wilson served as the group's advisor.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Three New Pennsylvania Counties

Cameron, Centre and Clinton Counties, in north central Pennsylvania, have been added to the site.

Cameron County
Centre County
Clinton County

2010 Bridge Calendars

Todd Wilson has created two calendars for 2010: The Bridges of America and Bridges of the Pittsburgh Area.

Calendars are $18.99 each. Go to our new shop to purchase them.