On October 31, 2009, a propane truck driver disobeyed the 5 ton posting and crossed the Larman Mill Road Bridge. Engineers post weight limits for good reason. Not surprisingly, the truck (as well as the bridge) ended up in the creek. The Larman Mill Road Bridge served a lightly traveled gravel road, used by only 25 vehicles per day. The Pennsylvania Historic Bridge Inventory attributed the bridge to the Farris Engineering Company of Pittsburgh since it is similar to another bridge, a now-demolished SR 3003 bridge over the same creek. At the time of the PAHBI in 1997, PennDOT owned 6 pony truss bridges in Fayette County. In less than ten years, ALL were demolished. In 2009, the similar county-owned bridge was demolished due to a lawbreaking truck. Given the low use of the bridge, it is unlikely that a new bridge will be built in its place.
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